Let it consume you

Let it consume you

Friday, June 1, 2012


The meter of a poem is a sequence of feet, and each foot is a pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables.

So long as men can breath or eyes can see.

Meter is just as important as rhyme is in poetry.It indicates what kind of lines are written in the poem, and it starts to make poetry more about math.

Thursday, May 31, 2012


Rhyming words are a pair of words that sound similar.They usually rhyme with the last word of a line.

It is time for all of us to discuss
of a disease called diabetus.

Rhyme is used to make a poem more entertaining, or funny, to the reader when they read it.


Rhythm is the pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables of a poem.

The cat has gone under the hat.
The hat was run over by a bus.
The hat has revealed the cat!
The cat was set on fire.
Rhythm could arguably be the most important part of poetry.It directly shows how the poem is read.


Repetition is when the writer writes the same word or phrase multiple times periodically.

I'm hungry, I want a large order of fries.
I'm hungry,I want a big mac
There's Ronald McDonald!
He smacked my food away.
I'm hungry again.

Repetition is useful in poetry because it helps emphasize a certain word or phrase's importance.


Tone is the particular attitude the poem is written in.

 You must be kind and gentle with this delicate jellyfish,
It may just decide to electrocute you, and kill you.
Tone is significant because it shows the mood of the verse of the poem.


Interpretation is how one perceives an idea or lesson, it's different for everybody.

 When i look at this ink blot, I see two old men having a conversation.
Interpretation is important to the reader to interpret what the poem is about, it can be whatever the reader wants it to be about.


A metaphor is a literary tool used to compare two things that are different.

Life is a journey, enjoy the ride

Metaphors are used to make one important point understood by using another example.


A speaker is the person or thing that is narrating the poem in the way it is written, NOT the person reciting the poem.

"I could feel the cruel blow of his kick on my face."
He was kicked by the other fellow in the face.

A speaker is important in poetry so the reader knows what perspective they're reading the poem in.W

Thursday, May 24, 2012


An onomatopeia is a select group of words that are used to describe the sound of something.

The Viking is dancing so hard, every move he makes a boom sound.

Onomatopeias are used to let the reader know exactly how something sounds when something falls, breaks, or anything else.


When a writer uses personification, they're trying to put human traits into an inanimate object, such as a rock.

Trees have feelings too.

Personification is used in poetry to make any everyday object a character.


Imagery is when the writer tries to describe an action or feeling with the five senses;Taste,smell,hearing,feeling, and seeing.

I could feel the smooth and dry feel of the turtle's shell.

Imagery makes the reader get into the poem, relating it to their own experiences.


A similie is when you compare two things using the words "like" or "as"

"It's hard as nails."

Similes are useful in poetry because they make the poem come to life.

Thursday, May 10, 2012


A symbol is used in a poem to convey the message to the reader.

A heart can be used as a sign of affection, and a rainbow can make something Fabulous.

Symbols are very important in poetry because they show the main idea easier if the reader doesn't see it in the text.
"It's pimpin', Pimp"


A couplet is a group of two lines in a verse that rhyme.

When you try not to disturb the peace.
Don't yell "Screw the police"

Couplets make poems alot more fun to read.When you write a poem in couplets, it makes it easier for people to read.


A stanza is a group of lines in a poem that are seperated by space.

When an old man slows down your pace

Slap that decrepit sloth in the face.

Stanzas are an important tool when you are reading or writing poetry, it can be used to seperate ideas or actions in your poem. When you make a poem with stanzas, it generally makes the whole poem look better.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Bacon Strips & Bacon Strips & Bacon Strips & Bacon Strips & Bacon Strips & Bacon Strips &

Deinition:A form of writing used to express a certain feeling or idea.
Example:Rose are red
Violets are blue
Eat more bacon strips
It's good for you
Significance:Poetry is used because we want to express ourselves in writing.It could be done in a haiku or in any other form.It's important because it makes us utilise beautiful words we have learned by reading.